Thursday, October 22, 2015

What Is Chemical Engineering and What Do They Do?

Chemical engineers combine the science of chemistry with the discipline of engineering in order to manufacture materials and products essential to modern society. They are involved with the full scale of processes from the laboratory bench to the pilot plant and eventually at the manufacturing facility.

How does chemical engineering differ from chemistry? Chemists discover the chemical reactions by which useful products may be made. Chemical engineers discover the processes and develop the equipment that allows the chemical reactions to work economically. The academic training of chemical engineers provides a strong background for a variety of areas, including:

Process design
Production engineering
Research and development
Marketing/technical sales
Environmental and waste management

Chemical engineering is particularly adaptable to solving the technological problems of modern society. Therefore, chemical engineers are often employed by the government and industrial firms. They make invaluable contributions to an improved quality of life by producing pharmaceutical products to cure diseases, fertilizers and pesticides to help feed a growing population, fabrics to clothe us, and petroleum products to warm our houses and move our cars. Chemical engineers also are deeply involved in preventing and treating pollution.

In addition to these key areas, chemical engineers are actively developing advanced materials used in the communications and space industries, food and beverage industries, and modern electronics.
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